AscToTab: convert text to HTML and RTF tables

Updates for AscToTab

This page is used to record the update history of AscToTab, with the most recent updates listed at the top of the page.

AscToTab offers a subset of the functionality of AscToHTM - a fully-fledged text to HTML converter. As such development of AscToTab is not ongoing in it's own right. although the functionality from which it evolved is still being advanced within AscToHTM.

2 Septemper 2002

A minor update (version 4.04) is released. This version fixes a bug which caused the program to crash on some types of policy file if they were loaded before the first cnversion was done.

29 April 2002

A minor update (version 4.03) is released. This version fixes a bug for 1-character columns, and a second when invoked from the command line. It also contains some improvements in speed.

17 March 2002

A minor update (version 4.02) is released. This fixes a bug (probably only in 4.01) which stopped the Help file being displayed when F1 is pressed.

9 March 2002

A minor update (version 4.01) is released. This adds support for delimited data files with delimiters other than comma or tabs. For such files you first select "Other delimited data files" and then specify the character to be used as the delimiter before doing the conversion.

11 February 2002

Version 4.0 is released. This is the first major update for over 2 years. There's no ongoing development of AscToTab as such, but since it a side project of AscToHTM and AscToRTF it has benefited form improvements to those programs.

Changes in this version include

  • multi-lingual user interface
  • improved drag'n'drop support
  • support for converting comma-delimited and tab-delimited data files
  • support for outputting HTML tables to the clipboard, ready for pasting into a HTML source editor.

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Converted by AscToHTM